New Patients

Beginning Therapy

Heavy Stone

Beginning therapy is a courageous step. It is important to find a therapist with whom you feel at ease. It is essential that a therapist respect you and the process you are beginning to help yourself. The consultation process is an opportunity to have a conversation about your current problems and your history.

Deborah Genninger is available for an initial phone consultation to help determine whether to schedule an initial session or consider other options.

Fees and Insurance

Please contact Deborah to discuss fees, since they will vary depending on the type and frequency of treatment. The fees will also depend on whether you are using your insurance.

Deborah does offer sliding scale. She is fully committed to offer a high quality care to everyone. For that reason she strives to offer reduced fee services. The fee will be determined on a case-per­-case basis, which will be discussed during the initial consultation. Unless otherwise arranged, all payments must be made at the end of each therapy session.

  • Cash and checks are accepted for payment.

Deborah Genninger is an “in­-network­-provider” with Blue Cross/ Blue Shield. All other insurances are accepted with “out-­of­-network” benefits.

You may wish to check with your insurance company about accessing your
“out­-of­-network” benefits, as you may be reimbursed from your carrier. After the deductible has been met, most insurance plans reimburse 60% – ­80% of the allowable amount for “out-­of­-network” mental health benefits.